My Favorite Leaders: 12 Ways They Made Service a Joy

By Laurie Gauger

Articles on leadership are a dime a dozen, and I’m not going to pretend this one will offer you any penetrating insights.

In fact, I’ll tell you upfront I’ve never taken a leadership course and I’ve never been in a leadership position, except as a teacher, which hardly counts since my “followers” were high school kids. Continue reading

WELS Schools Must Teach Evolution

by Mark Bergemann

Evolution with its billions of years is a lie that has shipwrecked the faith of many. Why must we teach it? To prepare our students for a life in today’s world. Specifically:

  1. To blunt the temptation of evolution for students.
  2. To aid students as they minister to other Christians tempted by evolution.
  3. To give students a pre-evangelism resource for leading certain people to listen to the gospel message (Bergemann, 2015).

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