Encouraging Our Pupils for the Teaching and Preaching Ministry

Written by Rev. Robert Voss in 1962

We have been provided with the Bread of Life, but unless we provide for those following us, they will die of spiritual starvation. How can we today provide the Bread of Life for the people of tomorrow? Obviously more boys and girls must be encouraged for the most satisfying work in the world. But how can we encourage them? Continue reading

Raising Godly Children In a Godless Culture

By Kenneth J. Kremer

In a world turned upside-down by revolutionary ideas, the ancient proverb sounds quaint, if not old-fashioned: “Start children off on the way they should go, and even when they are old they will not turn from it” (Proverbs 22:6). The prospect of bringing up future generations of young Christians in a culture hostile to our faith should concern all of God’s people. Continue reading

Will We Instruct or Indoctrinate?

By Professor David Sellnow

Mr. Scribner stood in front of his sixth-grade classroom. He had prepared a SMART Board presentation titled, “Major Moments of World War II.” At a touch, he brought up descriptions of what happened at various places on the map.

  • Munich . . . an agreement allowed Hitler to keep parts of Czechoslovakia that he wanted for Germany.
  • Poland . . . German blitzkrieg (“lightning war”) marked the beginning of World War II in Europe.
  • Dunkirk . . . British and French troops escaped when they were losing the battle in France.

A student interrupted with a question:  “Why did the Hitler guy want pieces of Checkerslavka?” Continue reading