Teaching with Technology

Written by James Carlovsky

As a teacher makes decisions about teaching with technology in a classroom, three big questions come to mind:

  • Screen time: How much is too much?
  • What do standards say about teaching and learning with technology?
  • What could be a goal of teaching with technology in a classroom?

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Oh, the Places You’ll Go

Written by Andrew Willems

Congratulations! Today is your day. You’re off to great places! You’re off and away!

My apologies to Dr. Seuss, but this is exactly how I felt introducing my class to Google Cardboard.

Question: What can Google Cardboard, a Galaxy J3 phone, earbuds, and a room full of freshmen do for you? Answer: Bring virtual reality (VR) to your classroom! Continue reading

There Must Be a Different Way

Written by David Uhlhorn

It doesn’t take long for a new teacher in our WELS schools to realize that today’s schools are different from what they remember. Wanting what is best for their children, parents are looking for additional opportunities for their children to excel. To meet this need, schools are offering additional courses and activities, while the amount of time allowed for learning remains the same. Teacher schedules are limiting students’ course selections. Continue reading

A Case for School Technology and Internet Use Policies

Written by David G. Wilson

Over the past few decades, educational institutions have dramatically increased their students’ use of technology and the internet in the classroom (Holloway et al., 2013). While there have been countless benefits to students from the increased use of these technologies, there has also been an increase in the number of risks and dangers to which these students are exposed (Valcke, Wever, Keer, & Schellens, 2011). In light of these inherent risks and dangers that go hand in hand with the use of technology and the internet by students, it is incumbent on schools, now more than ever, to develop, communicate, and enforce technology and internet use policies for their institutions. Continue reading

Words Printed on a…Screen?

Balanced literacy instruction in a technological era

Written by Andrea Van Sice

Reading is powerful. Author Emoke B’Racz reflects, “How my life has been brought to undiscovered lands, and how much richer it gets – all from words printed on a page.” Words are no longer just printed “on a page”, as technology devices have drastically changed what and how we read (Biancarosa & Griffiths, 2012).  Literacy instruction and assessment is a blessing and challenge in many schools, and Lutheran schools are no exception. Teacher time is often limited, increasing the necessity of technological resources and tools. It is important to maintain balance between technological and traditional instructional tools. Here are six tips to help Lutheran teachers develop a strong culture of literacy in the classroom. Continue reading

The Benefits of Digital Badges

Written by Angela Hanson

If you haven’t met a teacher who uses digital badges yet, you may soon. Digital badges are growing in popularity, especially in higher education circles (Raths, 2013). With enough forethought and planning, the principles behind digital badges can be used in the K-12 environment as well (Fontichiaro and Elkordy, 2015). Understanding digital badges and implementing them in the classroom can bring benefits for learners, including but not limited to objective proof of student learning, increased student motivation, and the ability to use feedback for developing skills as a self-regulated learner. Continue reading

Increasing Effectiveness and Learning Through Flipped Classrooms

Written by Adam Mateske

The use of technology is commonplace in the lives of today’s students. Consider the dramatic change these students endure after they step into their elementary or secondary schools and are asked to sit in desks and focus on traditional teacher-led instruction. In response, classrooms around the world are introducing flipped learning to students. A flipped classroom model provides teachers the opportunity to effectively focus on student achievement while allowing student learning to excel and grow. Continue reading

Getting Lutheran Students Out the Door

Written by Jeremy Seeger

Outdoor schools have seen growing popularity in the last few years. Perhaps you have seen the posts about them from a friend on Facebook, or perhaps you’ve seen an article about one online. Norway and Switzerland both have well known and successful outdoor preschool programs that have served as a model for some startups in the United States. Continue reading

Technology Planning for Schools

By Andrew Willems

Ok. No one person is to blame. It did kind of sneak up on you and your school. I’m talking about this whole technology thing. Filtering. Devices. Wireless. Classroom use or distraction. Money. These are issues all schools are dealing with. You aren’t alone. Whether you’re in a new situation with your congregation or you realize you’re part of the current problem, I have good news for you. There is a way out! Continue reading