Fearful, Faithful, Forgiven

John 16:33 “I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.”

This bible passage gives us comfort in our lives. This world is full of sin, evil, and despair. Every single one of us goes through our own hardships and trials in life. However, peace can be found despite all the chaos in this world. Jesus is that peace. Only through Him can we find comfort in our lives. Jesus carried the weight of the world so we didn’t have to. What an immense blessing and relief in our lives!

My day-to-day faith life has taken a different shape than it did back in the States. While at MLC, I am blessed to have the opportunity to worship in Chapel twice a day. I am constantly surrounded by other like-minded Christians who are all preparing for the public ministry with me. Religion classes, bible studies, and Sunday worship are all other parts of my life at MLC that I used to participate in on a weekly basis. Having that aspect of my life disappear while I am abroad has been an adjustment. 

I used to take the blessings of attending Chapel, bible studies on campus, and being surrounded by like-minded Christians for granted daily. It was something that I had been used to and exposed to my whole life; I didn’t know anything else. I appreciate the blessings of fellowship and group worship now more than ever. 

While abroad, I have continued to grow in my faith. I strive to do my personal devotions every morning when I can. Once in a while, I stream church or chapel services online. I am also blessed with the opportunity to worship at the WELS mission church, Holy Word, while here in London. Worshiping with Holy Word has given me a different perspective of ministry actively at work. During my time here, I have watched part of the behind-the-scenes work Holy Word has accomplished and continues to plan out. Rev. Dr. Michael Hartman and Rev. Conifer Berg continue to work daily to help this mission grow. I love seeing that every person in the congregation works together to develop plans and supports one another through this process. 

In London, I have been exposed to many evangelism opportunities. Most of the friends I have made during my time here are not Christians and do not take part in any religious practices. I have shared my faith with them and explained my religious beliefs. I have also noted the differences between MLC and all the public Universities they attend back home. They are always fascinated by hearing how the WELS call system works. Though none of them have expressed a huge interest in Christianity, they all respect my beliefs and continue to let me talk about it. They also take note of differences in the way I live my life as a Christian, such as my views on swearing, drugs, and dating. I am glad to see how my Christian light is being noticed. The most I can do is share my faith and the gospel with them; the rest is up to the Holy Spirit. 

It is also fascinating to see the religious practices here with the Londoners. In general, religion is lost in many people here. Most people don’t know who Jesus is and have little background knowledge on what the Bible teaches. People focus their time and energy on their personal lives and jobs instead. The people that do attend church mainly attend the Anglican church. Two of my British flatmates attend this type of church. The Church of England focuses mainly on the joyful feeling people receive while being Christian over the accurate biblical truths in Scripture. The Bible is completely lost in most services. Many Brits even believe that parts of Harry Potter and The Hunger Games reflect biblical truths from the Bible. I am aware more than ever of how lost people truly are. Jesus is the only path that leads to true peace and hope. 

Prayer is an excellent tool I use daily. God hears and answers our prayers. We have to trust Him and His will. Everything will work out according to His timeline and plan. I continue to pray for strength while I am here, and that God will work His way into the hearts of those who are lost. This study abroad experience has prepared me more for ministry and sharing the gospel. At MLC, we talk a lot about what to do in evangelism and mission situations; however, nothing can prepare you for how to share the Bible in real-world situations until you actually experience it. Experiences teach us our strengths and weaknesses, and help us reflect on what we learned. I am thankful for the past few months here, and I pray that the rest of my time in London goes smoothly.

Easter Sunday at Holy Word

Holy Word is using this location in Central London for worship

Till we meet again,

Alison Foxen