Week One: Exploring Galway

It has been quite a week for this Minnesota girl. It seems like much longer than 7 days since I last sat in Lola’s with snow falling out the window. In that time I have been on three planes, had my passport stamped two times, and moved into a house. There are endless things to adjust to; the almost constant rain, a much larger campus, a fifteen-minute walk to get anywhere, and new people everywhere I turn. But the changes aren’t bad. The city center is absolutely beautiful and incredibly Irish. Below is a picture of Shop Street in the evening. This iconic Galway street stretches on for blocks and has countless pubs, coffee shops, and stores on each side. Christmas decorations are still lighting up the streets and alleyways, and performers on the street give the most wonderful Irish feeling.

After a walk down Shop Street, a right turn will bring you to where the Corrib River meets Galway Bay. My ISA (International Studies Abroad) group and I visited the Galway museum next to the water to catch up on the rich history and enjoy the cafe before we went to campus. Below is a picture of Galway Bay.

I had attended many orientation presentations in the past few days. Ireland does college a little differently than America. Classes start on Monday, and registration for those classes also begin on Monday. In a couple weeks I will find out if the lessons I’ve been attending are actually the ones I will have the rest of the semester. It seems stressful to my American friends and me, but the Irish are certain that this is an easy and relaxed process. I am excited for school and soccer to start so that I can meet more people and get into a nice routine. Next week’s blog should have more information and pictures! Have a great week and God’s blessings!

Before the Beginning

Soon I will be leaving the white wonderland of New Ulm to don a raincoat each day. I can certainly say that departing from the negative degrees of Minnesota hasn’t caused me to shed any tears. The forecast for my day of arrival in Galway, Ireland is 40 degrees, cloudy, with a chance of rain and adventure. As I start packing for an entire semester abroad my mind is whirling with ideas of what may happen, at one moment wonderful, at the next terrifying. My empty passport is begging to be filled with stamps, and my shoes are ready to be worn through. However, my suitcase isn’t even close to ready.

As I dream about what this semester has in store for me, I find reassurance in God’s Word. “If I rise of the wings of the dawn, if I settle on the far side of the sea, even there your hand will guide me, your right hand will hold me fast.” Psalm 139:9-10. Although I may be 3,697 miles away from my home and my friends, God is never far away. So as I use this adventure to learn and grow, please keep me in your prayers. Skype and Facebook may be great ways to stay in touch from far away, but nothing will keep us as close as prayer.

Keep checking this blog if you want to see where Ireland takes me each week.

God’s blessings everyone!    

Abby Enstad