Lex Orandi, Lex Credendi

If I am being honest, one of my biggest fears going into my study abroad experience was how my faith life would change while studying abroad in Ireland. I must confess I have a track record of being a weak Christian and not always taking my faith seriously. As I prepared to leave for Ireland, I thought about my first semester of college.

I was a freshman at Iowa State University studying Agricultural Business. Like most people at that age and in that position, I had no idea what I was doing with my life. I had moved hundreds of miles away from home, had no friends, and wasn’t in the best frame of mind. To keep a long story short, my first semester of college was a terrible experience, and one of the only things I remember is the constant pain of loneliness that I felt. I knew the answer to my problem at the time: go to God. Yet, for whatever reason, I didn’t turn to him. I floundered. I forgot about God. I skipped church. My prayer life? Nonexistent. I was on a downward spiral and losing my faith quickly. By the grace of God, I was able to get back on the right track.

Considering that that period of my life was the only significant length of time that I hadn’t been surrounded by fellow believers, I was nervous about how my time in Ireland would go. Therefore, I entered my study abroad experience with a plan for my personal faith life. Here was my plan of things to do to help nurture my faith:

  1. Daily Bible reading. I have been reading a daily Bible in a year plan since October of 2023. I continued to do my daily readings and reflect on them.
  2. Daily prayer entry. Not only did I journal daily, but I also wrote out a prayer each day. One of the most significant flaws with my prayer life is that my mind tends to wander. I’ve found that my mind stays more focused when I write my prayers. It’s also fantastic to read some of my prayers from throughout the experience and see how God answered them.
  3. Devotions. As a way to practice my Spanish and grow in my faith, Time of Grace ministries offer their daily email devotion in Spanish, so I’ve been reading those each day. I also took the opportunity to write a couple of devotions for fun.
  4. Reading. If you’ve kept up with my previous blogs, you would know I’ve read many books this semester. As of now, I’ve read 33 books. A couple of these books were Christian books. Most Christian books are practical, easily accessible, and present God’s Word in an easily digestible way.
  5. Church. Living in the age of live-streamed church services is excellent, but it’s nothing like attending a real church. Watching church online is fine, but it robs you of the opportunity to engage with fellow believers. Since COVID, many Christians have forgotten the great benefit of encouragement from seeing fellow believers every Sunday. I knew I needed to seek out a church, so I did some church exploring during my time in Ireland.

Overall, all of these things together have proved to be beneficial for my faith. My personal devotional life has never been so consistent and ardent. I can honestly say that my faith grew this semester. Romans 10:17 tells us that “faith comes from hearing the message”– the more the message about Christ was in my daily life, the more joy, hope, grace, and love flourished within my life. I also found a change in my mindset about my faith occurred. I began to stop looking at my faith as a monotonous checklist of things I needed to do. I quit seeing my faith life through “transactional” eyes. For example, by integrating more of God’s Word into my daily life, going to church on Sunday morning seemed less of a chore. Rather than seeing church as something to get through or “clocking in” with God, I was looking forward to worship. I suddenly found myself wanting to worship God. It was a radical change for the better, and I know the only reason it happened was through the power of the Holy Spirit and God’s Word.

I mentioned that I went church exploring in Ireland. As I mentioned, I wanted to find a church because Christian fellowship is vital. I also approached visiting these churches with differing doctrine as an opportunity to learn about other Christians’ beliefs and how to defend what I believe. Here’s how the process of church exploring went:

  1. The first Sunday I was in Galway, I attended a Methodist church. It was a small church with about thirty members. When I first walked into the church, I was greeted by an amiable lady, and I felt welcomed instantly. However, you can imagine my surprise at the start of the church service when that same lady walked to the front of the church and began to lead the worship service. Aside from the female Pastor, the service was okay. It had some liturgy, but it was mostly singing and a sermon. At the end of the service, I talked to some members about what the church believed and discovered they had very theologically liberal beliefs. Needless to say, I didn’t return the following Sunday.
  2. In my first week in Galway, I attended Catholic mass in the Galway cathedral. Now, I know what you’re thinking: “A Lutheran went to Catholic mass?!” Yes, I went to mass. I was curious to observe it because I had never attended a Catholic service. I was surprised by how similar the liturgy of the service was to a Lutheran service. But I didn’t really care for the veneration of Mary, so I didn’t return.
  3. I inadvertently attended a Pentecostal service. The University of Galway’s campus had posters for a Christian society called “Believers Connect.” With a name like that, it sounded like a great place to meet fellow Christians and potentially make new friends. I found their meeting time and place and arrived a bit early. I entered the meeting space and talked to some people who seemed normal. The service started with a guy on a Yamaha keyboard playing random chords and constantly repeating the words of Philippians 2:10-11 “At the name of Jesus, every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and every tongue acknowledge that Jesus Christ is Lord.” This went on for about ten minutes before it finally ended. Then, someone else walked up and said that we would be doing “group prayer.” When I heard that, I assumed that someone would lead a prayer. I was wrong. “Group prayer” meant that everyone said their own individual prayers aloud. I didn’t participate, and I couldn’t even focus amid the chaos of several people all saying their prayers. Then, out of nowhere, a girl started pacing back and forth and began speaking in tongues! I was severely uncomfortable and probably should’ve left, but I didn’t want to be rude, so I stuck it out. Once the prayer time ended, the Pastor of the church showed up. Honestly, the rest of the service is a blur. The Pastor free-styled the “sermon” for 45 minutes, and I quickly got the impression that I had entered a church not with Jesus Christ as its head but a church with that Pastor as its head. I promptly left after the service, disgusted with the heresy and prayerful that God would cause the members of that church to realize the folly of their church’s teachings.
  4. Despite the atrocious experience with the Pentecostals, I wasn’t deterred from checking out another Christian society on campus. I attended my first Dochas Christian Society meeting and immediately realized that fellow believers surrounded me. They were welcoming and kind, and I quickly felt like I belonged. I met Eli (whom I interviewed for my previous blog), and he invited me to attend his church on Sunday. Curious, I went, and Covenant Christian Fellowship became my temporary church home for the semester. Covenant Christian Fellowship is a Reformed Presbyterian church, and while I do not agree with all of their doctrine, I did agree on the essentials and got to hear law and gospel every Sunday. I got involved in the church, and I like several aspects of it. It cannot be overstated how friendly and welcoming everyone was; they had a true community of believers. The members were also Evangelicals, and our shared belief in the importance of sharing the gospel was a common ground we could meet on. I appreciated the Pastor. He was well-trained in the scriptures, and I thought he was a strong leader who exemplified the characteristics of a called worker very well. While we did have a lot in common, the church had some differences that made me appreciate the WELS even more. First, they had a doctrine of the Sabbath, which essentially meant that they didn’t conduct worship services on any other day besides Sundays– I missed having an Ash Wednesday and Good Friday service to go to. Their services were also quite different– they were organized, but they didn’t have a liturgy, and they didn’t sing hymns. Instead, we sang psalms acapella, listened to scripture readings, and VERY long sermons, frequently as long as 40 minutes, often meaning that the average church service would be 1.5 hours. While I appreciated the in-depth exegesis that the Pastor did for each sermon, it was usually hard to pay attention if I didn’t take sermon notes. I also missed parts of the Lutheran liturgy, especially confession/absolution, reciting the creeds, and hymns. 
  5. Finally, I got involved in the Dochas Christian Society, which has helped me in various ways. I made lots of Christian friends, and I was able to interact with them each week. I met so many people with very different backgrounds than my own, and it was interesting to talk to them about what they believed. I also got very involved. I did some street evangelism and led a Bible study on the book of Jonah! I loved learning about other Christians’ beliefs and sharing my Lutheran views. It surprised me that no one had ever really heard of Lutheran theology and what made it different from most Protestant theology. I underestimated how unique my beliefs are, especially concerning the sacraments. I’ll be honest: I did a terrible job explaining my beliefs, and I wasn’t always “prepared to answer” (1 Peter 3:15). Meeting so many people with different beliefs than mine forced me to research and consider why I believe what I believe. As a result, I became much more confident and assured that what the WELS teaches is correct.

My time in Ireland was edifying for my faith. By God’s grace, I grew in my faith and knowledge of Jesus Christ. All these experiences and time spent in God’s Word caused me to reflect on what I’m doing with my life. After careful consideration and prayer, I decided to change my career path. So, when I return to MLC in the fall, I will not be studying to be an English teacher; instead, I will be training to be a pastor! I want to be very clear that I did not have a “vision from God” or hear the voice of God in my head, but instead, I believe that God placed certain things in my life to cause me to think about how I could best serve him. After all of the experience that I gained in Ireland, I can genuinely say that there is nothing that I’d rather do than serve God with all my heart, soul, mind, and strength. God has blessed me with gifts and talents to be a pastor and a teacher. Both are excellent ministry opportunities, and I believe I could serve God well in either capacity. However, similar to the old adage about rectangles and squares, all pastors can be (and are) teachers, but not all teachers are pastors. Therefore, if I trained to be a pastor, I would be opening myself up to even more opportunities to serve God, and I could maximize the use of my gifts and talents.

All in all, the most valuable thing that happened to me in Ireland was the opportunity that it gave me to reflect on my beliefs and career path. If there’s anything I learned, it’s that solitude and pondering benefit me. I would also encourage others to find ways to “turn down the noise” of our everyday lives and take intentional time to reflect on their beliefs and purpose in life. I’m very grateful for the opportunity to study abroad and learn more about myself. I look forward to my future training and gospel ministry.

Photos explained:

  1. A photo of the Galway Cathedral
  2. A terribly blurry photo of me doing street evangelism
  3. Easter Sunday service with the fellow MLC study abroad students!
  4. Photo from inside St. Peter’s Basilica in Rome!

The Weight of a Conversation

“There are no ordinary people. You have never talked to a mere mortal.”

A couple of days ago, I had the opportunity to visit one of my favorite author’s graves: C.S. Lewis. Lewis is most famous for writing the children’s fantasy series The Chronicles of Narnia. Lewis spent a good portion of his life as a strong atheist. However, after many serious conversations with his Christian friend J.R.R. Tolkien, Lewis eventually came to faith and became a great Christian apologist writer. During World War II, Lewis delivered numerous sermons at church, the most impactful being The Weight of Glory. The quote above is taken from this sermon.

The key point behind the quote is that ordinary people do not exist. Every single person you come across has a soul. The interactions you have with strangers and people off the street may seem boring or ordinary at first glance, but you don’t know the true impact you have on those people’s lives; only God does. Material things fade and disappear, but humans have souls and will live on in either eternal bliss or suffering. People are far greater than ordinary. 

I have gotten to meet many great people from other cultures while studying abroad. Besides getting close to several Brits, I have gotten to know people from Australia, the Netherlands, Pakistan, and Italy. Particularly with my British friends, I have noticed interesting differences in greetings compared to those in the States. For example, whenever my British flatmates come into the kitchen, they say “you alright?” to me. At first, I was confused by this phrase. I was worried that I looked stressed or tired to them, and they wanted to know if I was genuinely okay. Quickly enough, I learned that the British phrase “you alright?” is the equivalent of saying “how are you?” to someone in the States. Another interesting greeting is in how Brits text one another. The British end almost all their text messages with XX. It is somewhat similar to how people in the States use emojis at the end of their texts. XX is a friendly or affectionate way to end a text, showing that you care about the other person you are texting. 

Throughout my time here at the University of Roehampton, I have gotten to know one of my British flatmates, Holly, pretty well. Holly is in her second year at Roehampton. She lives in a small town about 20 minutes north of Bath, England. One thing that has brought Holly and me together is the fact that we are both studying Education. 

Holly had to decide she wanted to be a teacher by age 16. In the UK, secondary school goes on until the age of 16. After that, students take the GCSEs, the US equivalent of taking the ACT. If students want to continue their education, they go on to A-levels from ages 16-18. A-levels are designed to help prepare students for University. Before going into A-levels, students must pick three areas they want to specialize in. In other words, they have to choose what majors and careers they want for their future. Holly said she always knew she loved kids and wanted to be a teacher, but having to choose at 16 was a little scary and daunting. 

Uni (or University) is only three years for UK students, while in the US, it is typically an average of four years. While at Roehampton, Holly takes many methods courses on teaching. She also has to spend several weeks at her placement. Placement is very similar to MLC’s early field experience or clinical. Holly spends time in a classroom teaching, observing, and planning lessons. The only difference is that UK placement is more frequent and lasts longer than MLC’s clinical. Holly is given a placement every year at Uni. For her first year, she spent three weeks at placement; for her second year, she spent six weeks at placement; and for her third year, she will spend three months at placement. Every placement is with a different age level. Currently, Holly is with Year 4 students (third grade in the US). After Holly graduates Uni, she will go on to teach in a school. However, she must teach for two years after graduation to become a teacher “officially.”  

Holly also loves to travel, just like I do. However, the travel philosophy is slightly different in the UK compared to the States. In the United States, most people go on vacation and travel to a different city in their home state or a different state. In the UK, people go on holidays (vacation). Brits tend to get longer holidays than people in the US. Holly has traveled to the US, France, Greece, Italy, and many other European countries. She is also planning a trip this summer to Tanzania in Africa. Whenever I ask Holly about cities in England or tell her about my day trips, she seems less familiar with those areas. She has hardly traveled to many of the cities in England, even though they are only a few hours away. Most people in the UK spend holidays in other countries and spend less time focused on traveling to their own country. This is due to the fact that Europe is so close and other countries are only a cheap flight away. 

I love sitting down and having cultural conversations with Holly. Even though we are of a similar age and are going on the same career path, there are so many differences in both of our cultures and societies. After asking Holly numerous questions about the UK, she responded back with many questions about the US. I spent 20 minutes explaining the US healthcare system to her. She was baffled! In the UK, healthcare is essentially free. Citizens only have to pay a small tax fee every year, and they can go to the doctor and get medicine without having any extra charges. 

I am grateful for the relationship I have formed with Holly. These cultural relationships I have formed here have opened my mind and perspective on the world around me. Sometimes we get closed off to thinking the world is only seen through our own eyes and viewpoint. Sharon Salzberg stated that “Life is like an ever-shifting kaleidoscope.” Billions of people live in the world. Billions of people have experienced different joys, pains, and journeys. Our own journey is a small fraction of the world’s kaleidoscope. 

Highlights since my last post:

  • I took a day trip to Cardiff, Wales
  • I took a trip to Madrid, Spain
  • I took a day trip to Oxford
  • I saw Les Misérables at London’s West End
  • I went to a Queen Park Ranger’s football (soccer) game 

Cardiff Castle in Wales

Street view of Madrid, Spain

I went hiking in Surrey Hills National Park in England

University of Oxford

Till we meet again,

Alison Foxen

Lo Que Quieres

“Lo que quieres” means “whatever you want.” Our topic for this blog entry is whatever we want it to be about. Honestly, I think this is more difficult than having a topic assigned. I like to know the end goal, especially when it’s an “assignment.” 

I’ve had the opportunity to do “lo que quiero” while studying abroad in Spain. One of the most outstanding, in my opinion, is the ability to travel. I’ve mentioned a few places in former entries, but I’m going to take some time to further detail the places I’ve been blessed to visit.


February 10 – Toledo, Spain

This was a day trip put on by our study-abroad program. We took a bus there and started the day with a tour from the bus. We drove around the outside of the city, admiring the huge walls protecting it. We visited el Ministerio de San Juan de los Reyes, la Sinogaga de Santa Maria La Blanca, la Iglesia de Santo Tome, and el Catedral de Toledo. In the Church of Saint Thomas, we saw El Greco’s famous painting, “The Burial of the Count of Orgaz.” I also enjoyed visiting the cathedral, which is still in use, and finding the “secret” entrances up to the 3 large organs. 


February 16 – Segovia, Spain

This was another day trip, but I only went with Alaina and Sarah this time. We took the bus there, and our first stop was los acueductos, which are amazing to think about historically. We wandered the streets, and Alaina and I found a bookstore of a former host-dad. When we visited Spain about 5 years ago, the dad of our host family showed us his bookstore, and after all this time, we could find it again. Unfortunately, it was closed when we walked past it. Our next stop was at an adorable bakery for a snack on the way to Plaza Mayor, where el Catedral de Segovia is located. Our tour of the cathedral took us up 190 steps to the top of the bell tower. From there, we saw breathtaking views of the Alcazar, the mountains, and the villages. After the tour and lunch, we visited the Alcazar, which inspired Cinderella’s castle in the Disney movie. We climbed the tower here and admired the views once again. We splurged on some churros with chocolate and walked along the wall to admire the sunset. 


February 22-25 – Lisbon and Sintra, Portugal

 Technically, our trip to Portugal started on Thursday the 22nd, but we only rode a bus for 8 hours, so there was little to share. When we woke up in our hostel on Friday, we were greeted by a rainbow outside our window. It rained on and off during the morning but eventually cleared up. The morning highlight was the viewpoint of Santa Luiza. From there we walked to see the outside of the cathedral. We sprinted through the rain to the Time Out Market and got lunch at Janis cafe. We took a train to the neighborhood of Belen to see el Torre de Belen, a beautiful castle right on the beach. (This was my favorite part of the afternoon.) We also took the historic Tram 28 to see the main sights of Lisbon. Next, we went to el Convento de Carmen. We trekked up a never-ending hill to the viewpoint of Senhora de Monte. We could see beautiful colors in the sunset before the clouds covered it. A little fun note: our waiter at the restaurant we went to for dinner was from Argentina, so we all got to talk with him about that from our time studying there. 

The next day we had a trip to the nearby town of Sintra. We traveled with a few other adults from the States and made some new friends. Miguel, our guide, took us to the “downtown” area and then up to the Quinta de Regaleira, a beautiful palace with a castle and lots of greenery. We explored the gardens and went inside the caves and the well. Next, we drove to Cabo de Roca, the westernmost part of Europe (contiguously, I believe). The view of the ocean was breathtaking as we climbed on the rocky shore. After lunch, we went to Pena Palace, a colorful building influenced by 5 different countries’ styles. And Sunday was another 8 hours on the bus. 


March 2-3 – Salamanca, Spain

We stopped at El Escorial de San Lorenzo on the bus ride to Salamanca. This trip through ISA provided us with a monastery tour, followed by some free time to explore the area and get lunch. We would’ve explored more if the weather wasn’t rainy and cold. We drove the rest of the way to the hotel and had the night to explore the area. 

The following day, we had a tour of the University of Salamanca, the oldest university in Spain and one of the oldest in Europe. After that, I visited the Museo Art Nouveau, which had some fantastic modern art. After a little more free time, we took the bus back to Madrid. 


March 15-17 – Tenerife, Canary Islands, Spain

On Friday the 15, Alaina, Sarah, and I flew to the south of Tenerife. We took a taxi to a nearby town to get some groceries, but from there, we had to walk in the hot weather to the hostel. We couldn’t check in right away, so we left our stuff and went to the beach, a 5 minute walk away. We were there for a little over an hour before coming back. We made some dinner and returned to the beach to catch the sunset. 

The next day, we walked into the town to get some brunch. We walked along the wall by the beach until we found a little entrance to climb down the rocks. We spent some time in this swimming area before returning to our hostel. We found the natural pools and swam around there for a little less than an hour. We finished walking back to the hostel, played some cards, and ordered a pizza to eat on the beach at sunset. (We went to bed early before we had to be up at 4 am for our flight, but that part isn’t exciting.)


March 22-29 – Madrid, Granada, Barcelona, Spain

This was my spring break, and I had visitors! My parents, my aunt, and my uncle came to visit me in Spain. Day one, after they landed, we spent in Madrid. I showed them my campus and walked to the famous Puerta del Sol. Our next stop was San Gines for the legendary churros with chocolate, and we also took a few minutes to listen to the group of 6 strings players. We then took the metro to Retiro Park, the most well-known part of Madrid. The main attractions were the glass palace and the peacocks in the gardens! Later, we tried to watch the sunset at Templo de Debod, a park near my place, but it was cloudy. 

Day 2 started with breakfast at Starbucks before visiting the Reina Sofia art museum, which features some modern art. After lunch (Italian food!), we went to the train station to go to Granada. We walked to our hotel and explored the area to find a good location for dinner. 

After breakfast at our hotel, we took a thin little bus up the hill to the Alhambra. Even after being there before, I still was in awe at how pretty it was. Our tour guide did a great job explaining the history as we went along. We wandered on our own for a bit, then returned to the city for lunch. Next, we went to the Royal Chapel and saw the tombs of Ferdinand and Isabella. We continued wandering the area and ordered some dinner since we didn’t want to go out with all the festivities outside the street. Our final activity of the night was a flamenco show. The dancers, singer, and guitarist were all spectacular. 

Our flight to Barcelona was in the morning, and from the airport, we metroed (is that a verb?) to get to our VRBO. We explored the area, including a nearby big market, and got lunch. We wandered more (yes, that’s a common time-filler for us) and settled into the VRBO before our sunset cruise. It downpoured the entire way to the dock, which worried us but cleared up. We talked with some people from Canada and our skippers as we snacked and took in the sights. We returned to our neighborhood and had dinner before calling it a night.

A train in the morning took us to a nearby city where we would spend our day. We walked from the train station and continued wandering until we found a spot for some lunch. Next, we visited the Dali Museum. Super cool art; that man was talented. We got some ice cream as a little snack before the train ride. Unfortunately, the entire walk/sprint back to the station was downpouring. We couldn’t even hide from it. The soaked ride back wasn’t the most enjoyable, but we made warm pizzas and played cards at the VRBO.

The next day, we took the metro to the Sagrada Familia. We got brunch and walked a lap around the cathedral. The inside was breathtaking. The stained glass windows had so many colors that illuminated the space. We got to go up the Nativity tower, which gave us a nice view of Barcelona and took the spiral staircase back down. We got some lunch and got our stuff to go back to Madrid. 

The weather wasn’t as good as we had hoped, so we decided not to do a day trip to Segovia. Instead, we got some breakfast and then walked to Plaza de Espana. From there, we took a bus tour of the city. We got off at the shopping area for souvenirs and clothes. We walked a bit more, then returned to the bus for a few more stops. We got off at the Prado Museum, where we spent a couple of hours admiring some of the works. I’ve been multiple times but still haven’t seen all the artwork! 

The next day would be our last one together. We got breakfast at a cafe near my residence and took the metro to the airport. We said our goodbyes, and I started my next adventure.


March 29-April 2 – Dublin, Ireland and London, England

After the flight to Dublin, my friend Grayce and I got settled in our hostel and got some dinner. We walked around the area. And, of course, Dublin is known for its Guinness beer, so we tried some. But neither of us like beer, so we gave it a low rating. 

We started the next day with brunch. We wandered and browsed some shops and visited Trinity College. After lunch, we took a (slow!) bus to the airport. Somehow, we made our flight and got to London. We got to our hostel, which wasn’t easy from the Stansted airport, and got some dinner.

This brings us to Easter day! Grayce and I walked with Alaina and Sarah from the hostel to a brunch place, where we met with Allie and David. We caught up and walked to the London mission church. We mingled and participated in our first WELS service since arriving in Spain. Singing “I Know that My Redeemer Lives” was powerful, even with a small congregation. Grayce isn’t religious, so I had the opportunity to share with her and answer her questions. We walked back, taking the path along London Bridge (thank goodness it didn’t fall), giving us a good view of the Tower Bridge. Later, we met David for dinner and went out briefly that night. 

The next day, we got coffee and pastries to prep us for our tourist day. We started with the National Gallery, my favorite museum so far. We saw paintings by Van Gogh, including “Sunflowers.” From there, we walked to Big Ben and saw the London Eye from the nearby bridge. We got some Chipotle (taste of home?) for lunch and honestly didn’t do anything interesting the rest of the day because we had a morning flight back to Madrid. 


April 5-7 – Prague, Czech Republic

I never thought I’d want to go to the Czech Republic, but it has been one of my favorite places so far. My friend Emily and I flew out on a Friday morning. After lunch and checking in, we explored our area around the “Old Town.” Walking across the bridge, we saw some of the main attractions from a distance. Back at our hostel, we were provided a free dinner, allowing us to talk with some of the other people staying there. We were able to go out with a few of them that night. 

The next day, Emily and I planned some time with two girls we met at the hostel, Emily (yes, another one) and Isabel. Our first stop was a flea market down by the river. The ambiance was so cute! We wandered around the area looking for lunch as we went to the meeting point for our free walking tour. This is when we saw many attractions: Prague Castle, Strahov Monastery, St. Vitus Cathedral, and Salm Palace. After dinner with our new friends, we walked along the canal and talked for a few hours. Eventually, Emily and I got to bed for our early flight. 


April 12-14 – Granada, Spain

This was a 3-day trip with the ISA program. So even though I had already seen almost everything we would see, it would be a bit different because of the people I was with. We took a bus down the Granada and started with some free time for lunch. Then, early in the evening, we had a little walking tour to a beautiful viewpoint. From there, we walked to see a flamenco show in a cave. The dancers, singers, and guitar players were super talented. We had some dinner and ice cream and called it a night. 

The next day, we took our bus to Alhambra. Split into three groups, we stopped at the main parts, including the Nazarene Palace, the most known area. We could’ve walked down to the city, but the weather was hot, so we took the bus and went to find some lunch. We rested in the afternoon and met a group for some Mexican food for dinner. We then met with many people that night to catch up and hang out.

On Sunday, we had a walking tour of the old-town Granada that lasted most of the morning. After a little lunch, we tried the famous pionono, which is a cinnamon pastry. But I’ll be honest, I wasn’t expecting it to be cold and kind of mushy! Not that it was terrible, but it wouldn’t be my first choice next time I have dessert in Granada. 


April 18-21 – Amsterdam, Netherlands

I’ll start by saying that I did skip class for this trip. One of my favorite artists had a tour in the US, but he canceled it and kept his few European shows. So Thursday, I flew to Brussels, Belgium, and took a bus to Amsterdam. I rested a bit after all that stressful traveling, then went to the concert. Best one I’ve been to. Jake Scott, the singer, was so close and was very personal with the crowd. Easily the best concert I’ve been to. I even met a girl from Spain there!

The next day, I got to the central part of Amsterdam for a canal “cruise.” By this, I mean I took a little boat along some canals. Thankfully, it had a roof, as the rain was on and off all day. After my water-view tour, I had some brunch and went to catch my bus to Keukenhof. (I’ve gotten really good at saying that now.) This is the most famous tulip garden in Holland. There are hundreds of acres of tulip fields at this place. I spent 3.5 hours just walking around. There were dozens of different colored tulips, accompanied by a plethora of other flowers. Other decorations dispersed among the flora made the place absolutely gorgeous. I didn’t want to leave. But I returned to my hostel and talked with some of my roommates. One girl is from Canada, and the other is from Australia. 3 English speakers with different accents. People we met that night were a little confused!

On Saturday, I met up with two girls from the ISA program for brunch. We basically had a pancake charcuterie board, which was so cute! Then, I wandered around the area for a bit until they finished their cruise, and I met them to walk around another area. We got some lunch, and I went to the 9 Streets neighborhood, which has the Anne Frank house and museum. We couldn’t get tickets, but the outside was cool to see. Then, I had a restful night with my roommates at the hostel, so I was rested for my flight home the next day. 


I’m so grateful that God has blessed me with many opportunities to do “lo que quiero” because it has allowed me to see so much of his creation.

View of Toledo

Los Aqueductos

Tower of Belen

The Pena Palace

View in Salamanca

Sunset in Tenerife

Natural pool in Tenerife

My mom loves Dali’s rooster

My family visited!

Barcelona cruise

Dali Museum- Abe Lincoln or a woman?

The windows at the Sagrada Familia

Positive notes in Dublin

WELS connections in London

Van Gogh’s “Sunflowers”

Big Ben

View of the river in Prague

St. Vitus Cathedral

Jake Scott

Windmill and tulips at Keukenhof

Amsterdam canal

The Alhambra

Flamenco show in a cave

Viajes Viajes Viajes – Edición España

Buenos Días 🙂 

For this blog, we can choose what we want to write about! My first thought was to write about my travels here in Europe and Spain since I have not gotten to talk much in detail about them. I am very passionate about seeing the world and I prayed that I would get to see a bit more of it while I was here. One of my goals for my semester abroad was to travel around Spain and Europe in general. Before arriving in Spain, and during the first couple of weeks, I was a bit too ambitious with my hopes for traveling. I had a list of 10-plus countries I wanted to visit with the things I wanted to see and do in those countries. Now that I have spent about two and a half months here, I am thankful for the changes in my mindset about travel. 

While I’ve been here, I have relaxed on trying to plan trips months in advance and instead have just let travels come up naturally. Plans change. There have been so many instances where my original travel “plans” got changed. At first, this stressed me out and made me worried that I would not LOVE what I ended up doing or where I ended up going since it was not part of my original plan. I can confidently say that I have not felt any regret about any of my travels. I have learned to take things a day at a time and see where prices fall and travel goals lie. 

For this blog, I will focus on the trips I have taken so far, specifically in Spain. Keep your eyes peeled for a Part 2.

I’ve kept a daily journal of my time abroad so I thought it would be special to include some excerpts from my journal from each of my trips. Welcome to Alaina’s Travel Journal. 🙂 



About a 40-minute train ride from Madrid stands Toledo, a city set on a hill above the plains of Castilla-La Mancha in central Spain. Toledo was the former capital of Spain and is known for having the three cultural influences of Christians, Muslims, and Jews throughout its city and history. Another fun fact is that the famous painter, El Greco, lived in Toledo for a time before he passed away. 

My first trip to Toledo was with my program, ISA. This trip was on February 10th, about 7 days after we arrived in Spain! 


Journal Entry: 

“ONE WHOLE WEEK HERE, PRAISE GOD! Today we had our day trip to Toledo, Spain’s old capital, one of the oldest cities in Europe. It is about an hour bus ride from Madrid to Toledo. We left from the bus stop around 9:30 and arrived at 10:30. First, we stopped to pick up our guide and then went to a lookout point over Toledo to see the entire city. Wow…so, so breathtaking. It was super windy when we were looking over the city so some of the pictures we took were funny because our hair was all over the place. After the lookout point, we drove to the start of our walking tour. The first location we visited was called the Monastery of San Juan de Los Reyes, originally built for Isabel and Fernando to be buried in, but they later changed their mind and are instead now buried in Granada. The Monastery had a courtyard in the middle and it was so peaceful and beautiful. The sun was shining in the courtyard at the perfect time as we walked around it. When we wrapped up there, we walked and had a short break for a snack and coffee as well as a bathroom break. I walked over to another lookout point, snacked on some crackers, and stood there while people grabbed snacks. The next location we visited was the Synagogue of Santa Maria La Blanca. It looked more like a mosque but it was still very beautiful! We then headed to the Cathedral of Toledo. The view both inside AND outside was incredible. Everything is so detailed and hand-painted and carved. It just shows how much time, talent, and effort went into these beautiful structures. There was so much gold decor and so many beautiful paintings. We spent a long time in the Cathedral and then went to briefly see one of the most famous El Greco paintings, “The Burial of the Count Orgaz.”After, we walked to the square and split off for lunch. A group of us ate at a place called, “Nuevo Almacen.” Sarah and I split Croquetas de Jamon and Tacos de Costillas. They both tasted great! After lunch, we only had a bit of time to walk around in some shops so we wandered until it was time to meet back up with our group. The tiles around Toledo were so beautiful…” 

When my boyfriend, Dylan, visited Spain, we also took a day trip to Toledo. I loved this day even more than my first time going. There is something about the sun shining and being with one of your favorite people that just elevates experiences. 🙂  


“…We began our hike up to the viewpoint around 4:45. We took our time and of course, took photos on the way. While we were walking, we both saw this pretty green hill with a super cool view and we both said, “We NEED to climb it!”. (We did on the way down) Dyl was absolutely amazed, which made me smile. I was amazed too. The view was incredible and the the sun came out during “golden hour”, the hour before sunset. It was perfect. We spent a lot of time sitting and looking at the panoramic view of the city. I was so happy in that moment. <3” 


About 1 hour away from Madrid in the region, Castile-León, is the city of Segovia! Segovia is most widely known for the famous Roman aqueducts that have been standing since the 1st century. Spain’s last Gothic Cathedral is also located in Segovia, along with the Alcázar of Segovia. 

On February 16th, Emily, Sarah, and I took a day trip to Segovia together! 

From my Journal: 

“Eeeeeek! Today was so so amazing and almost magical.” 


“…After seeing the aquaducts, Emily and I wanted to find our old host Dad’s library shop, from the last time we were in Spain on a school trip. We did find it!!! We were hoping he would be in there but sadly, it was closed….” 


“…After exploring around the Cathedral, we had our tour of the tower of the Cathedral at 1:30. There were 190 steps to go up. It was a very winding/small stairway. I was almost getting nauseous and dizzy in the stairs, but I knew it would be worth it. We had breaks along the way too. The last stop was the TOP. The bells were up there and a view of the city from every angle. It was so so amazing. We said, “is this even real?” SO MANY TIMES. I felt like I was looking out into a world from a fairytale….” 


“…When we finished our tour of the Alcazar, we went to a place right next to it for churros with chocolate and a cappuccino. I need sweet things to drink, and it was not very sweet so I added chocolate when we were done using it for the churros. We were all SO giggly. We sat, talked, laughed, looked at the incredible views, and enjoyed each other’s company. Once we finished, we took our sweet, sweet time watching the sunset over the Alcazar, walking along the wall of the city. Today was the anniversary of Emily finding out she had cancer 4 years ago. I got emotional because, well, I have been with her through those years and more. It is so crazy to think how 4 years ago she was diagnosed with cancer, and now she is standing next to me, healthy and in remission, in a different country watching the sunset. God is good…” 



Tenerife is one of Spain’s Canary Islands, located off the West Coast of Africa. It is known for its beautiful dormant volcano and beautiful beaches, natural pools, and mountains. 

This was a trip that was planned VERY last minute, but we all made it work! Emily, Sarah, and I were in dire need of some SUN, so we planned a short weekend trip to the South of Tenerife. We flew to Tenerife, on Friday, March 15th, the day Dylan left Spain. We left Tenerife on Sunday morning, March 17th. 



“…After breakfast, we took our time and walked along the coast and ended up seeing a cool-looking cove with lots of flat rocks to lay on and a ladder to get out of the water. We were determined to find a way to get down there. There was another man who had the same idea….We laid in the sun and tanned (burned) for a while, soaking in the heat and sun we missed so dearly. It was so warm and SO beautiful. The water was SO blue. Before the man left, he approached us and asked us if we knew of any places to volunteer at, but we did not. The next thing we know, he was inviting us to his cave. Yes, you heard that correctly. We politely declined, and he left. We finally JUMPED in the Mediterranean! It was just us 3! The water was so cold, salty, and blue. When I jumped in, it was so refreshing. I could not help losing my breath because of how cold it was. After jumping in and treading water, I got used to the temperature. There is something kind of freeing and a bit scary (hehe) about swimming/floating in such a big body of water…” 


“….We found the natural pools!! There were more people at the natural pools but plenty of space to lay out and jump in. Once again, the water was SO blue and clear. We jumped in, dove in, and had fun rising and falling with the tide. I really lived out my Mako Mermaid H20 moment….” 


“…We took our ordered pizzas to the beach that was a 3 minute walk from our hostel and watched the sunset. We got a spicy pepperoni and BBQ and demolished them because we were so hungry. The sunset was pretty and it was calming to watch and hear the waves crashing into the shore….” 


Granada is a city located in southern Spain, in the region of Andalusia. Granada is located in the foothills of the Sierra Nevada mountains and is about a 40-minute drive from the beach as well! Those who live in Granada have the best of both worlds, mountains and the beach! Granada is most famously known for being the home of the Alhambra. The Alhambra, a palace and fortress complex,  is one of the most famous monuments of Islamic architecture and one of the best-preserved palaces of the historic Islamic world. It not only has Moorish influence in it’s architecture, but also Christian influence. It is the most visited place in Spain. 

Just this past weekend, our program took us to Granada! We left for Granada on Friday, April 12th, and arrived back in Madrid on the evening of Sunday, April 14th. 



Friday Night: 

“…At 5:30, we began one of our activities with our program. We walked through the Albaicín neighborhood, a Moorish quarter and the oldest neighborhood in Granada. We walked through these streets up to a viewpoint of the Alhambra. The view was so beautiful as the sun was beginning to set, and the lights of the Alhambra turned on. There was also people clapping and singing, playing live music. We walked to the Flamenco show. It was super cool and I love Flamenco, but if I am being honest, I liked the one I saw in Madrid more. There was an elderly lady who danced and made jokes about being the oldest Flamenco dancer. She was very impressive for her age….” 


“…It was so beautiful there. The gardens and the views of the city are my favorite part of the Alhambra. I also love all of the details and the differences in architecture. Because we went in bigger groups, we did not have much time to explore on our own, which made me sad because I love taking my time in places like that. I loved the Summer Palace. After our tour was finished, Sarah and I asked if we could stay and explore more, and the guide said we could! She and I walked back to the Summer Palace and just took it all in and slowly walked through it, looking at all of the flowers and detailing of the tiles. Sadly, we were unable to find the entrance to the other garden and decided to get lunch instead since we were very hungry. I hope to take more time there when I come back with my family at the end of my program…” 

Travel Plans for Valencia, Barcelona, and Mallorca: 

I have not yet traveled to these places, but it is my plan! I will be taking a solo day trip to Valencia this Saturday and Sarah and I will be going to Barcelona and the Spanish island, Palma de Mallorca over our break at the beginning of May. I was really hoping I could travel to the North of Spain but it fell through because of money, travel, and accommodations. 

Spain truly is a beautiful country and I adore Madrid. That is why I have been very content to keep exploring Madrid and Spain on the weekends we have left. Time has flown by and I am so grateful for every opportunity to travel and see more of God’s creation.


Con Amor,

Alaina Wiedoff

Fellowship in London

Because of Holy Week here in Spain, Alaina and I had about ten days to travel to Europe during the break. During that time, we visited Paris, Amsterdam, London, and Edinburgh. It was a lot to fit into that short period of time, but I thoroughly enjoyed every city and country we went to. I could go on and on about the experiences we had, but with this blog, I would really like to focus on the church service I went to in London and just how much I appreciated being able to worship with my brothers and sisters in Christ.


I won’t lie; it has been a challenge for me to go so long without attending church. Yes, I watch some live-streamed services, and doing daily devotions has helped me develop good habits, but I miss fellowship and communion and all of the amazing things that worshiping at church offers. 


Amidst planning for spring break and deciding which places we should visit, London was not originally very high on my list. I had heard great things about it, but I felt no sense of urgency or strong desire to go there. Alison Foxen, an MLC student currently studying there, mentioned that the mission church located in London was having an Easter service to celebrate Christ’s resurrection. It didn’t take long for our “study abroad squad” to decide that we all wanted to meet up in London for spring break to celebrate Easter Sunday together. 


It was truly a blessing that all of us studying abroad were able to make it for Easter Sunday. We came from all over Europe to worship together. I loved catching up with everyone and hearing about their experiences. We toured London together and enjoyed each other’s company after not seeing one another for such a long time. This experience has really brought us closer together. 


Before church, we all got breakfast together at a quaint cafe, then headed to the church where the WELS mission was holding the service. It was an old German church in London with a great location. There were so many people there! I had not expected so many people to be there since it is a fairly new mission, but the church felt full 🙂 I met new people as I had some refreshments before the service started. It was so refreshing to talk to people about Jesus who shared the same Easter excitement as I did. 


As for the service itself, I was overwhelmed with joy at hearing the gospel message while being surrounded by fellow believers. The Pastor preached a wonderful sermon, and the Easter hymns we sang brought me to tears. I missed this. There was even a trumpet! We took communion as well, which was so nice since it had been so long since I had been blessed to do that. I cherished every part of the service and was thankful that I was able to go. Even after the service, we stayed around before our train left to talk to the members there. 


I worried before leaving for Spain how it would affect my faith life. I knew that church was such a strong way to strengthen my faith, so what would happen after months of not attending? Being here has made me much more intentional about seeking out God’s Word in my free time, such as doing daily devotions. At MLC, I attended chapel, went to church, and heard about God’s promises in my classes. It was structured for me, so I did not feel the strong need to do my own devotions or go out of my way intentionally to study God’s Word. That was an immature way of thinking, as I have now learned the importance and richness of a personal devotional life. I would not say that I took church or being surrounded by fellow believers for granted before arriving in Spain, but I do think that I have a greater appreciation and love for them now. I can not wait to go to church when I get home 🙂 


Despite the challenges that being away from MLC and my home congregation has brought me, I thank God that he used this experience to strengthen my faith. He blessed me with resources that I have at my fingertips to dive into God’s Word and study it. He blessed me with the opportunity to worship in His house on Easter Sunday, even though I was thousands of miles away from my home church. God has blessed me abundantly!


Bridging Two Cultures

Living in Spain has taught me many things about Spanish culture, but also about my own and how it may appear to people of other cultures. I had the wonderful opportunity to interview one of my Spanish professors, Ana, who has several years of experience with both the American and Spanish cultures. It was very eye-opening to see my own culture through her eyes and learn more about hers. 


Some questions I asked her were about the roles of men and women, her religion, her views on her American students, stereotypes, and much more. Here are a few things I found especially interesting.


Religion: I was curious about her religion since I had previously been told that Spain is primarily Catholic. She mentioned that she has never been baptized or gone to church in her entire life. She commented that this is unusual for Spaniards because most begin their lives in a Catholic church but eventually leave. I was sad that she was not familiar with Jesus’ love for her and had never experienced or heard of the good news of the Gospel, but she was so respectful of all religions and beliefs. This also gave me the brief opportunity to share what my faith was all about. Though brief, I was thankful for the opportunity to tell her about Jesus before moving on to the next topic. 


Spanish Stereotypes: One of the first questions I asked Ana was, “What are some stereotypes that you think people have about the Spanish culture?” Her immediate response focused on the Siesta Hora. “Some people think we as a culture are lazy because we build naps into our schedule, but I think it encourages us to be even more productive. Everyone thinks that we are last-minute people, never planning ahead or anything. And while that may be true for some, I love planning ahead and being prepared. Also, being able to work well under pressure and on-the-go is a good trait to have. I see it as a skill.” This is a rough translation since we were speaking in Spanish, but I loved her take on it. I could clearly see that it frustrated her to be grouped into one perspective that believes they all are lazy and never plan. She said she identifies with none of those things. While it is true for some (in any culture), it is not true for everyone. After living in Spain for a couple of months now, I have learned to love the siesta hora. It has also challenged me to be more flexible and “go-with-the-flow.” I don’t have to plan everything out weeks in advance to be organized. I have grown a lot in the sense that I am learning to be okay with last-minute changes and spontaneous plans. I really do appreciate that about the Spanish culture. 


American Stereotypes: When I asked what she thought about American culture and some stereotypes that come along with it, I prepared myself for answers such as “They are loud, disrespectful, and have no culture.” However, I was very surprised at her response. Yes, she did compare us to Barbie dolls living in our dream world full of opportunities, but she had so many kind and admirable qualities that she mentioned. For example, she loved that we are so “practical” and focused on the future. She often gets frustrated with European culture, which is so focused on tradition and the past, in her words. Ana had the opportunity to live in the United States and learn English, so she came to have an appreciation for the way America operates. Now that she is living in Spain again, she misses certain aspects of American culture, such as the efficiency and practicality of our way of life. She loves the warm and welcoming personalities of Americans (in general) because it reminds her of her own Spanish culture. She has been teaching international students for many years now, so I asked her about the differences in culture within the classroom. Ana told me about Spanish classroom etiquette, where the teacher speaks and the students listen. The teacher is respected and viewed as above the students. She has noticed that American students like to challenge the teacher and discuss material, something that Ana really appreciates and enjoys. However, American students yawn, eat, stretch, and drink during lectures – all things considered rude in Spain. Overall, Ana’s view of America was overwhelmingly positive, much to my surprise. I loved hearing her perspective and kind words that seemed to bridge our two cultures, showing me that we really are not that different from one another. 


One comment that Ana made about Spanish culture is, “We are a country of extremes. You are either with me or against me.” In one sense, it reminded me of the politics in the United States. Everyone seems to be against each other and is very opinionated. In a different sense, the people in Spain are a little more respectful when sharing their opinions on politics, according to Ana. Politics are not often discussed with people who you don’t know very well. 


Finally, from one teacher to another (future) teacher, I asked her if she had any advice. Personally, I have been struggling with the idea that maybe I am not meant to be a teacher. I have an interest in so many things that it is hard for me to see myself only being a teacher. Ana gave me great advice. There is a phrase in Spanish, “Las personas son el fin, no el medio.” This was saying that people are the goal, not just the means used to get something that we desire. People are the best possible outcome, not to be used to our advantage. This is why she is a teacher now. She loves creating relationships with students and learning from them. Creating connections with them is why she wants to continue being a teacher. She told me that everyone is different and everyone has something unique to add to their lives. I loved her perspective on this. Ana told me that even though I am unsure of what my future career will be, always to keep learning. Learn from being a teacher, learn from students, learn from any and every experience that I have. As a literature teacher, she also told me to keep reading 🙂 


Interviewing Ana was definitely the most beneficial learning experience I have had since arriving in Madrid. I learned things that can’t simply be taught in books and classes but can only be learned from talking to people of different backgrounds and cultures. Not only did I learn so much about my own culture and the Spanish culture, but I was able to make a lasting connection with my professor, Ana.



Fearful, Faithful, Forgiven

John 16:33 “I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.”

This bible passage gives us comfort in our lives. This world is full of sin, evil, and despair. Every single one of us goes through our own hardships and trials in life. However, peace can be found despite all the chaos in this world. Jesus is that peace. Only through Him can we find comfort in our lives. Jesus carried the weight of the world so we didn’t have to. What an immense blessing and relief in our lives!

My day-to-day faith life has taken a different shape than it did back in the States. While at MLC, I am blessed to have the opportunity to worship in Chapel twice a day. I am constantly surrounded by other like-minded Christians who are all preparing for the public ministry with me. Religion classes, bible studies, and Sunday worship are all other parts of my life at MLC that I used to participate in on a weekly basis. Having that aspect of my life disappear while I am abroad has been an adjustment. 

I used to take the blessings of attending Chapel, bible studies on campus, and being surrounded by like-minded Christians for granted daily. It was something that I had been used to and exposed to my whole life; I didn’t know anything else. I appreciate the blessings of fellowship and group worship now more than ever. 

While abroad, I have continued to grow in my faith. I strive to do my personal devotions every morning when I can. Once in a while, I stream church or chapel services online. I am also blessed with the opportunity to worship at the WELS mission church, Holy Word, while here in London. Worshiping with Holy Word has given me a different perspective of ministry actively at work. During my time here, I have watched part of the behind-the-scenes work Holy Word has accomplished and continues to plan out. Rev. Dr. Michael Hartman and Rev. Conifer Berg continue to work daily to help this mission grow. I love seeing that every person in the congregation works together to develop plans and supports one another through this process. 

In London, I have been exposed to many evangelism opportunities. Most of the friends I have made during my time here are not Christians and do not take part in any religious practices. I have shared my faith with them and explained my religious beliefs. I have also noted the differences between MLC and all the public Universities they attend back home. They are always fascinated by hearing how the WELS call system works. Though none of them have expressed a huge interest in Christianity, they all respect my beliefs and continue to let me talk about it. They also take note of differences in the way I live my life as a Christian, such as my views on swearing, drugs, and dating. I am glad to see how my Christian light is being noticed. The most I can do is share my faith and the gospel with them; the rest is up to the Holy Spirit. 

It is also fascinating to see the religious practices here with the Londoners. In general, religion is lost in many people here. Most people don’t know who Jesus is and have little background knowledge on what the Bible teaches. People focus their time and energy on their personal lives and jobs instead. The people that do attend church mainly attend the Anglican church. Two of my British flatmates attend this type of church. The Church of England focuses mainly on the joyful feeling people receive while being Christian over the accurate biblical truths in Scripture. The Bible is completely lost in most services. Many Brits even believe that parts of Harry Potter and The Hunger Games reflect biblical truths from the Bible. I am aware more than ever of how lost people truly are. Jesus is the only path that leads to true peace and hope. 

Prayer is an excellent tool I use daily. God hears and answers our prayers. We have to trust Him and His will. Everything will work out according to His timeline and plan. I continue to pray for strength while I am here, and that God will work His way into the hearts of those who are lost. This study abroad experience has prepared me more for ministry and sharing the gospel. At MLC, we talk a lot about what to do in evangelism and mission situations; however, nothing can prepare you for how to share the Bible in real-world situations until you actually experience it. Experiences teach us our strengths and weaknesses, and help us reflect on what we learned. I am thankful for the past few months here, and I pray that the rest of my time in London goes smoothly.

Easter Sunday at Holy Word

Holy Word is using this location in Central London for worship

Till we meet again,

Alison Foxen


Connections Around the World



For our blogs this week, we had the unique opportunity to get to have a conversation with someone from another culture. Honestly, I was a bit nervous at first but I knew it would push me outside my comfort zone AND be a worthwhile experience getting to know someone new. This is a bit of a longer blog because I did not want to leave anything out, so thank you for the time you spend reading this! 🙂 

There is a girl who is in two of my four classes, whom I’ve made small talk with but haven’t put in the effort to get to know. Her name is Hatsune and she is from Japan! What a sweet and kind girl! I am so thankful I got to know Hatsune better AND got to learn more about her culture. 

Hatsune and I met up at a coffee shop and talked for an hour and a half, both about the questions I had wanted to ask her about Japan and getting to know one another better. Something really cool about the conversation we had was that we did it all in Spanish! Her first language is Japanese, and mine is English, but we were able to meet in the middle, and we communicated best in Spanish. 

I came prepared with some questions to ask her, some that I came up with on my own and some from a good friend who is studying in Ireland. 🙂 

Hatsune Arima is 21 years old, born in 2002 in Tanegashima, Japan. She lived in her home city, Tanegashima, for 18 years of her life but when she attends her home university, she lives in Osaka. Hatsune attends a school in Osaka that has a specific focus on cultures and languages.   She is spending a year in Madrid to continue her studies in Spanish. I am always curious to know why people choose to study what they do, so I asked her why she chose Spanish. She told me that when she was younger, in primary and secondary school, it was mandatory to learn English, “la primera lengua del mundo.” (The first language of the world) She spent lots of years learning English so when she began her studies at her university, she had a choice of what language she could learn. Hatsune found so much interest in the history, language, stories, and culture of Spanish-speaking countries. She stated, “Me interesa mucho el español.” It is very evident to me that she loves the culture and the language because of her abilities to speak Spanish as a third language, her interest in cultural activities, and her dedication to stay in Madrid for a whole year! 

I was curious to know a bit more about what makes Hatsune, Hatsune! 🙂 In order to do so, I asked questions about her family, her childhood, her interests, and her values! 

Hatsune described that she has one sister, Hibiki, who is just about a year younger than her (20 years old). Her parents live in a different city now called Kagoshima, which she visits on occasion. Her parents both are 41 years old and “muy amable.”(Very kind) 

When I inquired about the values her family holds, she described how they frequently engage in various activities together, which reflects a common cultural practice in Japan. For example, she said that when it came time for meals her family would eat together, including her grandparents. She also said that when it came time for “excursions” outside of the house, they would always go together, whether this meant a walk in a park, eating in a restaurant, shopping, and more. It is so special when certain cultures value family time to this extent because they can be such influential and important relationships in a person’s life. Hatsune also talked about respect. Respect is a significant value she holds, for her family, others, and especially elders. One important memory that she talked about from her childhood was spending time in her favorite place with her family. She described it as this, “Era una pequeña isla, lejos del centro de Japón con mucha naturaleza, tanto bosques como playas. Nos encantó llevar a nuestros perros a pasear por la playa juntos.” (It was a small island, far from the center of Japan with lots of nature, both forests and beaches. We loved taking our dogs for walks on the beach together.)  I could see how meaningful these memories were to her because of how she spoke with such a loving and reminiscent tone. 

Some of Hatsune’s interests include: watching videos/shows on Youtube and Netflix, going to cafes to sip on a coffee, reading, and going to museums to look at paintings. She also described how she loves spending time with her friends and making new ones. She loves the Japanese music artist, Shimizu Shota, and loves the song sung by him called, “My Love.”

To my understanding, she does not work during the school year but described how she sometimes works with her Mom at a supermarket when she returns home during university breaks. I asked her about what her dream job would be and she responded, “El trabajo de mis sueños sería trabajar para un agente de viajes y planificar viajes o trabajar en un café con mis mejores amigos.” (My dream job would be to either work for a travel agent and plan trips or work in a cafe with my best friends.) It was so sweet to hear how much her friends mean to her as well as how much she adores traveling and learning about the world. I relate 100%! 


When I asked her a bit more about her education experience growing up, she said she does love her academics currently because it is so focused on learning the Spanish language and more about the culture, which includes meeting lots of new people. I asked her, “¿Cuál fue tu año favorito de la escuela y qué lo hizo tan especial?” (What was your favorite year of school and what made it so special?) 

Hatsune responded by saying, “Mi año favorito de la escuela fue el segundo año de la escuela secundaria. Yo era miembro del equipo de béisbol. Mi papel era apoyar a los jugadores y ayudarlos en lo que necesitaran. Tenía que ir todos los días para estar con este equipo y fue muy duro, pero muy divertido. Este mismo año, también fui a Singapur por 2 semanas y era la primera vez que era extranjera. En cada “zona” de Japón, eligen a la gente para ir y a mí me eligieron. También tuve el papel de ser el presidente estudiantil de mi escuela. Aprendí mucho y estuve muy ocupado.” 

Translation: (My favorite year of school was the second year of high school. I was a member of the baseball team. My role was to support the players and assist them whatever they needed. I had to go every day to be with this team and it was very hard, but very fun. This same year, I also went to Singapore for 2 weeks and it was my first time being a foreigner. In each “zone” of Japan, they pick people to go and I was chosen. I also had the role of being the student president at my school. I learned a lot and was very busy!) 


 I asked Hatsune if she had a religion or what her religion was. I wanted to ask this question, but in the most respectful way possible, so I told her that if she did not want to talk about it, we did not have to! She explained that she currently does not practice any religion, but her family follows Buddhism, which they also adhered to during her upbringing. I pray that as Hatsune and I spend more time together, I can share Jesus with her. 




Many of my questions were focused on getting to know Hatsune, which certainly plays a part in the meaning of her culture. I did ask some more questions specific to her culture to which she happily responded. 🙂 


Here are some of the questions we talked about and her responses: 

(I will translate for those who do not speak Spanish)  🙂 


What is considered the most respectful and disrespectful in your society?

“It is disrespectful to talk to elders in a way that is rude and well, disrespectful. Here, there are different ways to talk to those who are older than you. In general, Japanese are very respectful to those who are older than them, but the elderly have the utmost respect.”  


“It is also very disrespectful to be loud on public transportation. It is usually silent. If anyone every visits, they should have their sound off and do not make calls. It is to respect those around us.” 


After our meeting, I looked up a bit more about this and I read that when speaking to an elderly person they add an extra element of respect by adding their “san” (similar to Mr. or Mrs.)  after their name. They also use a certain way of communicating politely called “keigo”. I believe “keigo” is what Hatsune was describing in Spanish. 


What is your favorite food from your culture? Snack? Drink? 

“My favorite food is sushi, but sushi normal. It is more common in Japan. There are various types of fish with rice. I understand that it is different from what “sushi” in America looks like. My favorite snacks are sweets, especially chocolate cookies or cheesecakes. My favorite drink is matcha. When I was growing up, my family would always have another kind of tea called, “Oolong tea” so I would drink that often as well.” 


Hatsune showed me a picture of the kind of sushi she loves and I took a picture so I insert it into my blog! 


What is your opinion of the United States? Are there stereotypes that you believe to be true? 

“The United States is a very big country and is a very free country, with lots of freedoms. There is a variety of people there of different nationalities and is more generous than other countries. In the minds of some older people from Japan, I think the United States does not have a good impression because of our history. The younger generation has a better impression.” 


“The stereotypes that Japan has about America are, Americans love to talk and are very fun, but are a bit loud at times. It really depends on the person you talk to.” 


“I think that our stereotypes include being very quiet, we do not talk a lot nor express our emotions well, and we have high respect for elders.” 


What is the role of women in your society? 

Women do work more than they did in the past but there is still a bit of inequality between men and women. Many women are at home to take care of the children and the home but it is better than before.” 


What is a celebration very important in your culture? Can you describe it to me? 

Japanese New Year! Many people will go to a temple or shrine every year on the first day of the January. People whose religion is Buddism go to a temple but people who have the Shinto religion go to a shrine. There, they pray for and wish for good luck for the year they are entering. We also go to the cemetery to begin the New Year with our ancestors. Another celebration that is connected with the New Year takes place on August 13th through 15th. This celebration commemorates and remembers deceased ancestors. It is believed that their spirits return at this time to visit relatives. People take the candles or lanterns to the graves of their families and bring them back to their home to call their ancestors home.” 


The final question I asked Hatsune was this: 

¿Cómo está estudiando en Madrid dando forma a tu visión del mundo? 

(How is studying in Madrid shaping your view of the world?) 


She responded, “Mi visión del mundo se ha abierto mucho desde que llegué a España. Me interesan más las culturas de los extranjeros y también las relaciones internacionales. Vivo con una chica española y otra americana, así que ha sido una buena experiencia aprender sobre las diferencias entre las tres culturas.” 

(My vision of the world has opened up greatly since I arrived in Spain. I am more interested in the cultures of foreigners and also international relations. I live with a Spanish girl as well as an American girl, so it has been a good experience learning about the differences between all three cultures.) 


Hatsune graciously agreed to meet with me and tackle questions that prompted deeper reflection than she initially anticipated. Several moments during our conversation left me pleasantly surprised, exclaiming, “Wow, that’s fascinating!” or “I had no idea”. This experience highlighted the potential for personal growth through expanding my understanding of the world and different cultures, demonstrating how informal discussions can foster significant development. What a testament to the incredible diversity and beauty of the world and those in it, created by our Savior.


“Best Culture” – Conversation and Connections

The task of this blog entry is different from the previous ones. Instead of talking about my cultural experience, the main point of this assignment is to dive deeper into another culture. (And yes, the title is a direct quote from this interview.) I chose my friend Kamil, who lives in Madrid. He was born in Maryland and lived in the US for a few years while he was young and then again for high school. He also lived in Morocco for a time. Because of his experience with many cultures, I asked him to be my interviewee for this cultural conversation. 

Family and education: Kamil’s parents are doctors, and he’s following suit by attending medical school here in Madrid. He reflected that his family passed down several values to him as he grew up. The first is working hard. Those who sit back and relax, waiting for good things to come to them, will scarcely get far in life. They taught him to have self-worth and dignity. Concerning others, he was taught to be empathetic and to do good to those around him. Overall, these are common and positive values for children of all cultures. Education-wise, he was able to attend private schools, even in international settings. He then did some Spanish schooling to get his baccalaureate, allowing Spanish students to attend university. Overall, he considered his experience good, as it provided him with opportunities to explore things and learn new languages. It also allowed him to focus on the solid areas and improve on the weak ones. He selected schools that help to create a work setting that is appropriate for each person. But like his parents taught him, he still has to work to succeed. There are a few logistical differences between schooling in Spain and America, but I think that overall, the goal is for schools to provide options for students to select courses that will allow them to learn about the topics that interest them and will benefit them in their futures. 

Religion and gender roles: Statistically, the majority of Spain is Catholic, but the percentage of those who practice the religion (going to mass, etc.) is much lower. Kamil was primarily raised in Christianity, as that is his mom’s religion, but he also had some Jewish influence from his dad. Religion isn’t a massive aspect of people’s lives in Spain, which I think is similar to most of those in America. Gender roles also aren’t a huge deal, as they’re pretty equal. Just looking at their government, as Kamil pointed out, many high positions are filled by women. In his university, the majority of medical students are female. American culture is getting to the point of having gender equality, but the media shows that we still have a little way to go. 

Stereotypes: This was one of my favorite sections to interview Kamil about, but he said it’s up to me to decide whether or not they’re true. He says that people think that the Spanish “are loud, lazy, like to party, short, Royalists, love futbol, and dress well.” And honestly, I agree with many of these. They’re pretty loud when they’re comfortable and are willing to voice their opinions, but there are many Americans who are the same (think of Karens). The laziness stereotype comes from their siesta (nap) culture, but I think that’s just to get them through their late nights, as they tend to be party people. This is mainly for the younger generation, those in their late teens, 20s, and 30s, but I think many people in this age range tend to go out at night. Americans do this, too, but (legally) it starts at an older age and typically ends earlier in the night, in my opinion. As I’ve mentioned, the Spanish dress well, especially in comparison to Americans. They do love their futbol (soccer) teams, kind of like Americans have their specific football or baseball team they support. Generally, Spaniards are shorter, but it’s hard to compare them to Americans because of the diversity of nationalities. I also asked Kamil about stereotypes that Spaniards have about Americans. Immediately he said that we don’t know geography or the metric system. Unfortunately, I couldn’t argue with either of these. Overall, we are very content with knowing the geography of the United States (only) and the imperial system. 

Food and holidays: Spain has several typical cultural foods. The ones Kamil names are “paella, bacaloa (cod fish), patatas bravas (potatos with spicy sauce), jamon serano (ham cooked a certain way), tortilla de patata (potato cake dish), pan con tomate (bread with tomato), mejillones (mussels), and vino rojo (red wine), especially in sangria and tinto de verano.” Food especially plays a significant role in holiday celebrations. The two most important holidays are Christmas (along with the 3 reyes/kings) and the Semana Santa (Holy Week and Easter), the same in the US. At Christmastime, Spaniards typically have family time, go to church, share food, and do charitable work, similar to Americans. Easter is celebrated similarly, but many large processions and parades can be a learning experience for those who observe them during the week. These processions are like nothing I’ve seen in the States, but they may be on more minor scales. 

The final question I asked was this: “What is the most important thing I should know about your culture?” Kamil’s response is what the title of this post is: “best culture.” And after living in it for these past two months, I can attest that it really is an amazing culture to be a part of.

Link to a video of me flipping a tortilla de patatas

Making paella

A glass of sangria with lunch

Religious paintings

The interviewee Kamil