Alison’s Adventures in London
“I know who I was when I got up this morning, but I think I must have been changed several times since then.”
Lewis Carroll’s Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland tells the whimsical story of a young girl, Alice, as she navigates the curious world of Wonderland. The quote above is Alice’s response when she is asked, “Who are you?” by the Caterpillar.
This quote perfectly encompasses my study abroad experience. Four months ago, I was at home, anxious and nervous while preparing to travel abroad. Now, I’m sitting in one of my favorite cafes in London for the last time, reflecting and preparing to travel home! That is CRAZY! Just like Alice, I have gone and changed throughout this adventure. I am still the same person; however, my perspective and appreciation for the world have changed.
Some of my most notable changes include:
- Being an expert travel agent. Over the semester, I have used Google Maps and CityMapper daily. I have also learned to plan all my trips and adventures, which is more complicated than it sounds. There were some late nights when I was figuring out flights, lodging, and all the sightseeing places I wanted to see while also trying to coordinate times and prices!
- Learning to adapt. Throughout the semester I have gotten to travel with a variety of people. Some of them were over-planners, while others were carefree travelers. I have had to adjust and adapt to different people’s personalities and travel styles. I have also had to adapt to changing surroundings, for example, my train being canceled last minute, my bus breaking down in the middle of nowhere, tickets being sold out, and unplanned weather conditions!
- Growing self-confidence. I have always had self-confidence and independence; however, when living in a foreign country by myself, that self-confidence and independence changed. I am now used to traveling by myself. Also, doing basic things, such as cooking, going grocery shopping, and eating by myself, is something I had to adjust to. I have also gained confidence in speaking about my faith to others and having conversations with strangers. I have met some amazing people from all over the world. Some of those interactions have been very simple small talk, while others have been deeper conversations. I have enjoyed getting to know and meet so many new people!
One of the saddest parts of leaving is saying goodbye. One of my biggest fears coming into this semester was figuring out who I was going to be friends with. Over the last couple of months, I have made wonderful friends who have joined me on my travels and helped me navigate this crazy journey. I am incredibly grateful for them, and it has been sad to say goodbye. These last few days have been bittersweet. I am filled with a wide range of emotions, from sadness to relief to excitement. I LOVE London! This city is huge and has so much variety in every corner. I haven’t even been able to see everything, and I have been here for months! I am sad to leave this amazing city, but I am excited to return back to the comfort of home! I have missed family and friends from back home, and I look forward to coming back and sharing all my adventures with them!
Recent adventures include:
- Trip to Ireland
- Daytrips to Peak District National Park, York, Canterbury, and Dover
- Saw Much Ado About Nothing and Henry IV part one and two
- Enjoying some of the sun that finally decided to come!
Traveling is something I enjoy doing, and I am so glad I have gotten the opportunity to have seen so many places. This semester I have gotten to go to seven different countries. I have also gone to fifteen different cities in England besides London. People have asked me, “What’s your favorite place you’ve been to while abroad?” This question is very tricky for me to answer. I have loved every single place I have been to. Every country and city have its own beauty, quirks, and personality. It is hard to compare the gorgeous rolling hills of Scotland to the vibrant life in Spain. I have taken every journey I have been on as an incredible blessing. Most people do not get the chance to live in Europe for months, and I am so glad I pushed myself out of my comfort zone and chose to do this!
Unfortunately, there is only so much time and money in this world. There were several countries I missed but would’ve loved to visit while here (Germany, Italy, Greece). However, just because my semester abroad is at its end doesn’t mean that my traveling adventures have to be over. I plan to come back to Europe in the future to see those other countries, and I have many other countries in the world I also would love to visit as well! God’s creation is beautiful. It has been great to see different angles and perspectives from different cultures!
I am excited to get to go home and to see my family! Luckily with the technology we have today, I got to FaceTime and message my family often, which significantly helped with the homesickness. However, I know that there will be some adjustments for when I do come back to the States.
- Culture Shock – Even though the UK is relatively similar in certain cultural aspects to the US, there are still some differences. It will take getting used to driving again since I have taken public transportation everywhere (I am also used to left-sided traffic). My perspective on time is also different. It takes me about an hour one way to get anywhere in London, so it’ll be nice to have to drive only ten to thirty minutes to go somewhere back home.
- Gratefulness – Going home will allow me to take notice and appreciate the small things in life. I never realized how much I appreciate small things, such as sunshine, coffee makers, and 24-hour stores, until it was gone. When I go back home, I will be more thankful for those things in my life!
- Adventures – When I go home, I think I will experience boredom. Not that being at home is necessarily “boring,” but over the past few months, I have constantly been traveling, trying new things, and going out. It will take some adjusting to get used to just being at home in my small town. However, I have learned to experience local culture and events since being abroad. When I go home, I plan on finding local or nearby activities to explore and learn to appreciate my surroundings more.
I have dedicated two and a half years of my life to planning and imagining what studying in London would be like… and now it is over in the blink of an eye. The most consistent thing in my life, especially over here, is God. God has been with me every single step of this journey. He made sure I was safe and provided me with everything I needed. God blesses us in awesome ways, and this semester has shown me how God’s hand is at work in all things we do!
My advice for others is to find whatever you are passionate about and go for it! One of the biggest things I do is I have a bucket list. I love having goals and doing everything I can to achieve those goals! For me personally, traveling is a huge thing on my bucket list! I did research and figured out how I could achieve my goals and dreams. So, my advice is to find your passions and dreams in your life and figure out what to do in order to accomplish them! For those of you who love the idea of traveling like me, the most important thing to do is START. Start planning… start researching… start saving… and figure out where in the world you want to go!
I leave part of my heart in London. Studying abroad has been a life changing experience for me, and I have appreciated every second of it!

Cliffs of Moher in Ireland

View from Peak District National Park in England

Me with two of my friends, Sophia and Kyara

Chatsworth House – filming location of 2005 Pride and Prejudice
Till we meet again,
Alison Foxen