Get Ready, Get Packed, GO!
/in Ireland 2016I got my journal, raincoat, and camera all set and ready to go! What else does a girl need while traveling to Ireland?
Hello! Dia dhuit! My name is Crystal Carmichael and am about to start my Junior year at the University of Limerick in Ireland. While I am studying there, I will be taking a variety of classes that will count as credit towards specific classes at Martin Luther College, MLC, where I have been studying for the past two years. Some of the classes that I will be taking include a physics class, math class, curriculum and instruction class, an outdoor physical education class, and a health class. The university has around 11,300 students and 1,300 staff members. In comparison, I would say that MLC has around 800 students and not quite 1,000 staff members… Class sizes at the university vary, depending on the subject; however, class sizes can get be in the hundreds for popular subjects. At MLC, class sizes can be as small as 10 and maybe as big as 30. In conclusion, the big university school life will be a culture shock in itself! However, I am excited to see what it is like attending a big university. I think that this is one of the many experiences that will help me in my future career and ministry. One day I could be helping high school students determine what kind of college to attend and with my experience, I could truthfully say what college is like at a private and a public university!
With hopes of being a teacher some day, I am currently a double major in Elementary Education and Secondary Physical Education with a minor in coaching. One of my best friends and fellow adventurer, Erin Feddersen, will be traveling and studying abroad with me in Ireland! I am so thankful that Erin and I were set up as random roommate freshman year; without her, I don’t think I would be studying abroad. Together, we have accomplished all the applications and paperwork, pushed through all the frustrations and confusion, and have made each other even more excited for this experience. So far, I have learned that studying abroad is a patient process while getting everything together to head overseas. God has granted us guidance so far and I know he will continue to take care of us for the next four months!
The countdown for Ireland is less than a week away; I leave on August 27th! I am in awe of how fast the time has gone; I haven’t started packing yet, but I still have time! 🙂 I am a little nervous on how I am going to fit everything into the two big suitcases I have planned to bring, but I am confident that everything will work out.
Each day has been an emotion of its own; some days I think, “I can’t believe I am going…Is this real?!”. Other days I think, “What am I doing? I don’t know anything about living in Ireland or going to school there. What am I going to do?” With those fears swarming around my head, I am reminded that studying abroad has always been a dream of mine. Traveling has taught me numerous lessons and along with traveling comes growth, understanding, and a greater knowledge of the world and the people that live in it. What calms my fears the most is the comfort and knowledge that no matter where I go, the Lord will never leave me. With all the “goodbyes” that I have had to say lately, I am reminded that it is only a “See you later!” The Lord will always provide for me; I rejoice with the opportunities he has given me and I can not wait to share his name and what he has done with people all over the world! I know full well that not everything will go smoothly while I am abroad; I will face trials of many kinds. It will be an adjustment to not have classmates who share the same faith as I do and not have a chapel to go to every day to worship in. Nonetheless, the Word of the Lord never changes.
While I am in Ireland, I ask you to keep me in your thoughts and prayers. Encourage me with Bible passages, eat an extra cookie for me (basketball girls I am sure you won’t have a problem with that…), pray for my safety, and keep enjoying the little things and blessings that God gives us each day.
Erin and I hope to update the Blog at least once a week and post some pictures up either here or on Facebook. If you would like to try and send a letter, Erin and I will hopefully have our addresses soon, so just let us know if you would like them! Otherwise, WhatsApp, Skype, Facetime, and Facebook are great ways to communicate with us.
Thank you again to everyone who has supported Erin and I with their thoughts, prayers, and love! We are so thankful for you all! #theluckofChrisandFedd
Erin (pictures on the far left) and I, with the help of Hailey and Sarah, are getting ready to head off to Ireland! Thank you, Hailey and Sarah, for sharing your travel stories and advice with us!
Study Abroad with MLC!
/in Ireland 2016Welcome to our new Study Abroad Blog! This fall you can follow two students, Erin and Crystal, on their adventures overseas.

“Study abroad offers you more than a few credits toward graduation. It offers you the experience of a lifetime: an opportunity to experience life from another culture’s point of view, meet new people and make new friends, see sites you previously only saw in pictures, and most importantly, it gives you an opportunity to confidently witness your faith to others, both in word and deed.” ~ Leah Nass, MLC student